+91 7305 168 684

Major supporters

This page is a tribute to the unwavering support we’ve had from YOU,

our major pillars of strength.
Nineteen years ago, we discovered that blood transfusion could be, and was often unsafe. When Jeevan Blood Bank was born, we had one goal – to provide the safest blood and blood components. We can now proudly say that we have become a trusted source for safe blood and have made a positive differences to thousands of lives.
we could not have become an institution of repute without the extraordinary support of several people in the community. We sincerely thank all the donors, volunteers, friends of jeevan, funders and philanthropists who have believed in us, supported us, and our dreams. We would specially like to thank the following people and organizations… Partners to Blood Safety

We still have many tasks to accomplish. We will continue to work towards our goals ensuring blood safety at all times.

You too can support !